She-Hulk: Attorney at Law episode 3 introduces Runa, a shapeshifting Light Elf from New Asgard. She’s a scammer and gets $175,000 from a lawyer in the District Attorney’s office while pretending to be American rapper Megan Thee Stallion

Dennis Bukowski, the victim of the catfishing, goes to a lawyer in Jennifer Walters’ office and seeks legal counsel. The Asgardian shows up soon after, shapeshifts into the prosecuting attorney, and tries to sully his name among his co-workers, as a warning of what’s to come if he keeps pursuing the case.  

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When the aggrieved attorney takes her to court, Runa’s lawyer tries to have the case dismissed, claiming that she enjoys diplomatic status in New Asgard. The judge doesn’t fall for it, stating that Runa is not in New Asgard at present. The Asgardian tries to use Thor’s speech about Asgard being a people, not a place – which was delivered by Chris Hemsworth’s character at the end of Ragnarok – to get out of trouble. However, the judge shuts her down here as well. 

He orders the case to proceed to trial, and Runa in a while shapeshifts into the judge and tries to get her own case dismissed, only to be chastised by her lawyer that impersonating a judge is a punishable offence. Once the trial starts, Jennifer Walters shows up to testify for the aggrieved attorney, who’s her ex-colleague from their days at the DA’s office. 

Her account of the lawyer, though unflattering, portrays him as a man who’s entitled and delusional enough to believe he could actually be dating Megan Thee Stallion. 

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The judge rules in Bukowski’s favour and Runa is ordered to make him whole and also punished for impersonating a judge. She is seen fleeing from the courtroom, pursued by a guard. 

In Marvel Comics, Runa is one of the nine Valkyries and accompanies Jane Foster on adventures. She’s known to wield a divine battle-axe, Jarnbjorn. It remains to be seen whether there’s more to the mischievous character in the She-Hulk series, or whether being a namesake has just been a matter of coincidence.