Shiv Sena MP Sanjay Raut on Friday told ANI that Bollywood actor Kangana Ranaut was trying to insult Maharashtra, by comparing Mumbai with Pakistan occupied Kashmir.
The Shiv Sena MP said, “You are trying to insult Maharashtra.” He added, “There must be any political party or power centre which is supporting her, that is why she is speaking like this.”
Raut speaking to news agency ANI said “A conspiracy is being hatched to malign the image of Mumbai and Mumbai Police.”
The Bollywood actor had on Thursday responded to the Shiv Sena MP Sanjay Raut’s comment asking her “not to come back to Mumbai.” The actor referred to it as an “open threat” by the politician.
Ranaut on Thursday, responding to an article published in New Indian Express said “Sanjay Raut Shiv Sena leader has given me an open threat and asked me not to come back to Mumbai, after Aazadi graffitis in Mumbai streets and now open threats, why Mumbai is feeling like Pakistan occupied Kashmir?”
Maharashtra state minister Anil Deshmukh, quashing claims against the Mumbai Police said, that they are compared to the Scotland Yard.
The Minister addressed the claims made by actor Kangana Ranaut saying, “Some people are trying to target Mumbai Police. An IPS officer has gone to court against this. After, her (Kangana Ranaut’s) comparison of Mumbai Police.”
The Maharashtra cabinet minister for Home Affairs added, “She (Kangana Ranaut) has no right to live in Maharashtra or Mumbai.”
Similarly Lok Sabha MP for Shiv Sena, Arvind Sawant told NDTV that “She(Kangana Ranaut) is damaging the Mumbai Police’s image.”
Kangana Ranaut has been vocal about raising the issue of nepotism in Bollywood and has been demanding justice, after the death of Bollywood actor Sushant Singh Rajput.
Ranaut had also tweeted about being scared of the Mumbai police.
The actor responding to the request of a concerned citizen, that she should be given protection by the Mumbai Police had said, “Thank you for your concern sir, I am actually more scared of Mumbai police now than movie mafia goons in Mumbai. I would need security either from HP government or directly from the Centre, no Mumbai police please.”