Sonam Kapoor, a Bollywood actress, is expecting her first child with her husband Anand Ahuja. She announced the news on her official Instagram account on Monday morning, with a photoshoot with Ahuja and an adorable note she wrote for her unborn child. She captioned the photos, “Four hands. To raise you the very best we can. Two hearts. That will beat in unison with yours, every step of the way. One family. Who will shower you with love and support. We can’t wait to welcome you. #everydayphenomenal #comingthisfall2022.”
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Her cousin Khushi Kapoor took to the comment section to congratulate the couple and left several emojis. Kareena Kapoor congratulated them as well, writing, “Wohoooooooo soooo happy for you both can’t wait for the babies to play.”
Previously, Sonam’s pregnancy rumours had made headlines several times. In July of last year, she was photographed in London wearing a red floral maxi dress, sparking speculation that she was pregnant. She had, however, put an end to the pregnancy speculation by sharing an Instagram storey about period pains.
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Sonam Kapoor and Anand Ahuja married in 2018 and have been residing in London’s Notting Hill ever since.
Meanwhile, the actress was most recently seen in Vikramaditya Motwane’s AK vs AK, in which she played herself. The film will be available on Netflix in December 2020. She will next be seen as a visually impaired cop in Shome Makhija’s Blind.
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Anand and Sonam live in London and visit their parents in Delhi and Mumbai on a regular basis. Anil told the Hindustan Times last year, “Like every parent everywhere, Sunita (my wife) and I miss our kids when they’re away, and we worry about them constantly.” But we also recognise that we are fortunate to live in a technological age that allows us to see and speak with them whenever we are anxious, which has been a huge relief.”