Ted Lasso is an American sports comedy-drama. The series follows Ted Lasso, an American college football coach who is hired to coach an English soccer team. The first season of 10 episodes premiered on Apple TV+ on August 14, 2020. The second season of 12 episodes premiered on July 23, 2021. Season three was confirmed back in October 2020.
As per ScreenRant, before the final episode of season 2, news broke that the English Premier League has signed a licensing deal with Ted Lasso. The agreement grants Ted Lasso’s showrunners to feature Premiere League archived footage, clubs/kits, and the league trophy.
The series racked up 20 Emmy nominations in 2020 and won seven. Ted Lasso won the 2021 Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Comedy Series.
Release Date
Filming of season three began on March 7, 2022, with no confirmation as of yet when it will be released. Actor Cristo Fernandez, who plays Dani Rojas, stated in May that season three should be available for fans by the end of the year. “Hopeful, the fans will love our season three, which hopefully, will be at the end of the year as well, out”, Cristo told PopCulture in May.
Just like season 2, Ted Lasso season 3 will have 12 episodes. Jason Sudeikis at the 2021 Emmys, revealed, “They being Apple, asked for 12 episodes and this time, ahead of time. So we’ll be doing 12 episodes as of now.”
Also Read: Emmy Awards 2022: Brett Goldstein brings Ted Lasso first award of the night
In April 2022, Deadline reported that Jodi Balfour will be joining the cast of Ted Lasso in season 3. She will portray the role of Jack, a venture capitalist. Reports also confirmed that Sarah Niles (Dr. Sharon Fieldstone), who joined in season 2 as the team psychologist will continue her role in season 3.
Ted Lasso has not released a trailer for season 3, so the details of the plot are still unknown to us. Liza Katzer, the producer of the show told Deadline, “I think it’s just more of what everyone loves and what has worked and just going deeper into the characters, into the backstories”.
Co-producer and director Declan Lowney mentioned, “Knowing those guys there’s bound to be a bunch of surprises, things you didn’t see coming, some curveballs in there.” Toheeb Jimoh, who plays the character of Sam Obisanya told Deadline, “There’s going to be a really interesting resolution for all the characters”.
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Apple has not yet confirmed the series will wrap with season 3. Creator Brendan Hunt (who plays Coach Beard) told Entertainment Weekly in June 2021, “I think we’ve always meant it to be three seasons”. He added, “I think it would be pretty cool, if the face of how much everyone likes this show, that we stick to our guns and really just do three seasons.”