The critically acclaimed series from Netflix, “The Crown” is gearing up for its fifth season and the official trailer was released on YouTube on October 20. The series is based on the British Royal family and will focus on the events of the 1990s when Prince Charles and Princess Diana’s marriage was falling apart, leading to their eventual chaotic divorce this season.
The primary shooting and filming of the big-budget Netflix royal drama were done at Elstree Studios in North London. Apart from this, the cast and crew have ventured into several real-life filming locations in an effort of creating realistic scenes from recent royal history.
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The Crown will be released on the popular streaming platform on November 9.
Actors including Imelda Staunton, Jonathan Pryce, Elizabeth Debicki and Dominic West, filmed all across the UK and Europe
Here are the Crown season 5 filming locations:
Lossiemouth and Macduff, Scotland
Imelda Staunton was spotted filming at the Covesea Lighthouse near Lossiemouth in North Scotland. She was pictured alongside Claudia Harrison who portrays Princess Anne and Theo Fraser Steele, who is the Princess’s husband Timothy Lawrence.
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It was also reported that filming took place along the North-East coast in Macduff.
The Queen’s visit to the town in 1961 was recreated here.
Andrew Havill was also pictured. He plays the Queen’s former Private Secretary Robert Fellowes.
Ardverikie House, Scotland
Elizabeth Debicki portrays Princess Diana in the drama series. She was spotted filming outside Ardverikie House in the Scottish Highlands in August 2021. Two young actors were spotted alongside her who were portraying her two sons, the two princes.
This Scottish baronial house was used to portray the Balmoral Castle.
Also Read: The Crown Season 5: How will it depict Princess Diana’s death?
San Telmo, Mallorca, Spain
According to some reports, the cast of the series was spotted on the Spanish island of Mallorca in October 2021.
The actors were spotted filming in the picturesque beachside town of San Telmo in the Andratx region.
It is believed that the show used this location to recreate some scenes of Prince Charles and Diana’s holidays with their children.
Burghley House, Lincolnshire, England
The crew of the series The Crown descended on Burghley House to use it as Windsor Castle. The filming took place in October 2021. The production recreated the famous blaze that tore through Windsor Castle in November 1992
Previously, Belvoir Castle was used for the first three seasons as a double to Windsor Castle.
It was replaced by the Burghley House from season 4 onwards.
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London Coliseum, England
Staunton, who plays Queen Elizabeth II in the series was seen at the famous London Coliseum theatre in the West End. The media tabloid ‘The Express’ reported that the Coliseum is acting as the Dominion Theatre and was used to recreate the 1995 Royal Variety Performance.
Also Read: The Crown Season 5 trailer released: All you need to know
Oundle, Northamptonshire, England
The filming of season 5 of the series also took place in the Northamptonshire town of Oundle. None of the cast was pictured filming the scenes.
It was reported that the crew were spotted on North Street and focused on a building there.