The interest to invest
time in edible backyard gardens saw a new boom in 2020 when COVID-19 propelled
everyone to stay at home. Jamila Norman, the founder of Patchwork City Farms in
Atlanta and internationally recognised urban farmer, saw the trend emerging like never before.
“Interest has
gone through the roof. People who were like, ‘I’ve always wanted to have a
garden, but I just never had time,’ well, now they’re home with nothing but
time. The local food movement and growing your own food, it’s been building,
but the pandemic really put a big spotlight on it,” she said, reports
So here are Norman’s
best tips for first-time growers:
Plant in the sunniest
spot you’ve got: If you want to grow veggies, be prepared to commit a
“premium part” of your yard to a garden. Norman says that “vegetables need at
least six to eight hours of direct sun every day.”
Start with
easy-to-grow greens: Kale, collards, mustard greens, and arugula are all good
“beginner plants,” she says. Radishes offer instant gratification,
sprouting from seed in a couple of days, she adds.
Pair up ‘Companion’
plants: According to her, some plants benefit from growing near each other.
Nasturtiums, for example, helps repel certain pests that attack squash.
Planting basil near tomatoes has a similar benefit.
Invest in healthy
soil: A combination of soil, compost, and mulch, which retains water, gives
plants the best chance to thrive.