Actor-politician Nusrat Jahan invited her spouse, actor-politician Yash Dasgupta, as a special guest on her radio show named ‘Ishq With Nusrat’ and one of her question to him was to tell everyone how their relationship began.

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Nusrat asked Yash to talk about their love story. To this, Yash asked the same question to her and she answered, “I ran away with you.”

“You ran away? You mean, we ran through the streets holding hands?” Yash asked. “No, no, I absconded with you. This is in one word, I absconded with you. This is what the episode is about – my love, my choice. I fell in love with you, that was my choice, and the rest is history,” Nusrat explained.

Yash, then, asked her how she defines love.

“Togetherness leading to happiness every day. It’s not always hunky-dory, in your words. Love is very tough but you deal with it every day with a lot of love,” she said. 

Also Read: Actor-MP Nusrat Jahan’s marriage with Nikhil Jain legally invalid: court

The relationship status between Nusrat and Yash is still a mystery for many of their fans. While she refused to confirm or deny whether she is married with him or not, she sparked rumours of a secret wedding with pictures of his at-home birthday celebrations. 

Also Read: Nusrat Jahan hints she and Yash Dasgupta are married

The two welcomed their son, Yishaan, in August. 

Nusrat was recently embroiled in a controversy with businessman Nikhil Jain, with whom she tied the knot in Turkey in 2019.