Jhanak Shukla was once a popular child actor on both the big and the small screen. She is best known for her role as Gia Kapur in Karan Johar’s ‘Kal Ho Na Ho’ in which she had acting giants Shah Rukh Khan and Jaya Bachchan as her co-stars. Jhanak also won hearts as ‘Karishma’, the robot, in the television show ‘Karishma Kaa Karishma’.
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Jhanak is all grown up now and is an archaeologist. Although she has stayed away from the spotlight for years, she keeps her fans updated on social media.
Check out her recent pictures:
In an interview with Brut India that went viral, Jhanak opened up that when she was young, she thought at 24 she would be earning a lot, would be settled and married.
“I’m 25 and I’m not earning anything.” she said.
Jhanak says she is an archaeologist now and wants to settle in New Zealand and work in a museum.