‘Thor: Love and Thunder,’ Phase 4 of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), sees the Thor, God of Thunder against Gorr, the God Butcher, who is on a vengeful rampage to slay all gods.
To inform the other gods about the God Butcher played by Christain Bale and to solicit their assistance – Thor, Valkyrie, Korg, and Jane Foster journey to Omnipotence City.
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The idea for Omnipotence City was taken from Jason Aaron’s groundbreaking Thor run, which made its debut in ‘Thor: God of Thunder’.
Omnipotence City is a floating cosmic fortress that welcomes all gods from all of existence and serves as the headquarters of the Parliament of Pantheons, the body that has authority over all of reality’s gods.
A parliament of pantheons known as Omnipotence City was established twelve, or four billion years ago, following the First Great War of the Gods. It is said to have been built by the Lords of the Dawn, the earliest elder gods, or their forebears, as a hub for all gods and a centre of heavenly fellowship and government.
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It was constructed with leftover pieces of the clay from Creation and burnt using embers from the First Sun.
In the far-off future of Earth-14412, Omnipotence City was abandoned and allowed to decay; the only person still living there was Shadrak, who had taken up the role of Lord Librarian. When Shadrak gave his life to protect the Goddesses of Thunder from King Loki’s Necro-Ravens, this version of Omnipotence City was destroyed.
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The Genesis Bazaar, the city’s bazaar where it’s rumoured that gods trade for the fates of galaxies, is one of Omnipotence City’s many prominent features.