A year ago, Varun Dhawan married his childhood friend Natasha Dalal in an intimate wedding ceremony. And now, the duo is celebrating their first wedding anniversary on January 24, 2022. Taking to Instagram, on the occasion of their anniversary, the actor shared a love-filled post with his wife Natasha with a series of photos on his IG handle and let his caption do the talking. In the first picture, the duo is seen exchanging wedding vows and in the second picture, the couple looks completely lost in each other’s eyes. In another picture both shake hands.

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Other celebrities congratulated the couple, and Tiger Shroff, a Bollywood actor, was one of the first ones. Taking to the comment section of the post, Tiger wrote, “Congratulations.”

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For those who are unaware  Varun and Natasha have known each other since sixth grade. The duo fell in love with each other after a couple of years. They met at a concert and eventually, the duo began dating.

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Over the years, Varun remained tight-lipped about his relationship with Natasha. And it was on Koffee With Karan 6 that Varun made his relationship official. “I am dating her and we are a couple. I plan to marry soon,” he said on the show.

On the film front, Varun has completed shooting for his upcoming film Bhediya with Kriti Sanon. The actor was last seen in Antim: The Final Truth.