Actor Kangana Ranaut on Tuesday said that she has tested negative for COVID-19, more than 10 days after contracting the virus. She made the announcement on her official Instagram account. 

The 34-year-old Bollywood actor had tested positive for the novel coronavirus on May 8 and was under home quarantine since. 

While announcing that she had contracted the disease, Ranaut referred to COVID-19 as “nothing but a small-time flu” and said that she will surely “demolish” it. 

The post was taken down by Instagram for spreading false information. 

On Tuesday, the actor said that she wanted to say a lot about how she beat the virus, but she was told not to offend the ‘COVID fan club’. 

“Yes, there are actually people out there who get offended if you show disrespect towards the virus” she said in her Instagram story. 

Earlier this month Ranaut’s Twitter account was permanently suspended for repeated violation of community guidelines. 

In the past 24 hours, India recorded 2,63,533 new cases of COVID-19. 

The total tally of COVID-19 cases now stands at 2,52,28,996. The death toll recorded on Monday was 4,329 increasing the total COVID-19 fatalities to 2,78,719.