Doctor Who day is an international celebration that takes place on November 23 every year, marking the day when this British science fiction show first aired on television, in 1963. Since then, actors like Christopher Eccleston, David Tennant, Matt Smith, Peter Capaldi, and Jodie Smith have joined the cast, playing timelord in the show, a character across seasons, with the primary objective to keep the universe in order.
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The recent seasons featured David Tennant at the 14th doctor and Sex Education fame Ncuti Gatwa as the 15th.
Here’s a look at top 5 scariest episodes of Doctor Who.
- Blink (2007) – Season 3, Episode 10: This episode is one of the most memorable of the entire series, not only because it holds a terrifying plot, but it also introduces one of the most deadly villains of the show.
- Silence in the Library and Forest of the Dead (2008) – Season 4, Episode 8 & 9: The plot of this two-part episode centers around the Doctor (played by Tennant), who teams up with Donna (Catherine Tate) and River Song (Alex Kingston) discovers a planet-sized library ridden with evil forces.
- Midnight (2008) – Season 4, Episode 10: Blink might be regarded as the scariest Doctor Who episode, but this episode is equally, if not more, terrifying and unsettling. The nature of the enemy is not revealed in this episode, and is referred to as an unknown entity the entire time. The Doctor (Tennant) and Donna travel together to a planet called midnight, only to encounter a series of bizzare events by an unknown force.
- Water of Mars (2009) – Special Episode: The screenplay of this special episode was written by Russel T Davies. The episode later went on to win the 2010 Hugo Award for Best Dramatic Presentation, Short Form. This episode tackles a setting in an unforeseen future. Set in 2059, the 10th Doctor (played by Tennant), dons a spacesuit and travels to Mars to witness humans colonizing the planet, as he struggles to face his prophesized death.
- Night Terrors (2011) – Season 6, Episode 9: This episode, which stars Matt Smith as the 11th doctor, features horrifying life-sized dolls, enough to induce nightmares. The plotline follows the story of a young boy afraid of monsters. The Doctor along with his partners discovers this collection of giant dolls in this boy’s cupboard, leading to the revelation that these dolls are not benign, they turn humans into their race as well.