Vaishali Takkar, the actor who wowed audiences with her performance in the Hindi serial Sasural Simar Ka, committed suicide at her residence in Indore. She was 30 years of age. Police recovered her body from her home, where they have also come across a suicide note. A case was registered at the Tejaji Nagar police station after her body was found hanging in her home.
According to the police, the actress, who was living in Indore for the past year, chose to end her life due to complications regarding her romantic relationship.
Takkar was quite active on social media, and had even uploaded a humourous video on Instagram only five days back:
In April 2021, Takkar announced on Instagram that she had gotten engaged to Dr. Abhinandan Singh, who is reportedly a dental surgeon based out of Kenya. The actor had also uploaded a video of their roka ceremony on Instagram, captioning it, “Whats yours will Ultimately find you even from another end of the world. #Rokafied To this Wonderful Man Dr. Abhinandan Singh AKA My Mr. Africa. #AbhiShali #rokaceremony (sic).”
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However, she later announced that the engagement had been called off and even proceeded to delete the video of the roka ceremony from her Instagram account. It is unclear whether the complications in her relationship with Singh were the reasons behind the actress’ decision to end her life. Details of her suicide note have not been publicized yet.
Kakkar’s performance in the character of Anjali Bharadwaj in Sasural Simar Ka made her a household name. Her other famous roles include Shivani Sharma in Super Sisters, Vish Ya Amrit: Sitara’s Netra Singh Rathore, and Manmohini 2’s Ananya Mishra.
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The actor had begun her career in the soap opera, Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai, which is one of the longest-running Indian TV shows of all time.