Vanna White, the beloved co-host of the long-running game show Wheel of Fortune, may be bidding farewell to the iconic program amidst surprising revelations about her salary. For over four decades, fans have eagerly watched White gracefully flipping letters, but now there are speculations of her departure.
Recently, it was announced that Pat Sajak, the show’s host since 1981, will be leaving after the upcoming season. This news sent shockwaves through the Wheel of Fortune community. Adding fuel to the fire, on Tuesday, June 27, renowned TV host Ryan Seacrest revealed that he would be taking over as the new host.
Vanna White, who has been an integral part of the show since 1982, is an undeniable asset to Wheel of Fortune’s success. Her contributions to the program have garnered her a significant salary. According to ABC News, White receives a staggering $3 million annually. What’s more astonishing is that both White and Sajak only film four days a month, shooting six episodes per day. This means they enjoy approximately 26 days off each month, a lifestyle many envy.
Also read | What did co-host Vanna White say about Pat Sajak leaving Wheel of Fortune
However, Wheel of Fortune is not White’s sole focus. Aside from her television commitments, she takes pride in her ventures as a real estate investor. In 2017, she listed her Beverly Hills home for an impressive $47.5 million. In addition to her investments, White indulges in her passion for crocheting. As she explained to Craft Yarn Council, her grandmother introduced her to the craft, and she now shares it with her daughter. In fact, White even has her own line of yarn called Vanna’s Choice.
When she isn’t crocheting or spending time with her children, Gigi and Niko, White dedicates herself to philanthropy. She has donated a remarkable $1.8 million to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital thus far and plans to continue supporting the program even after her contract, which is currently renewed through 2020.
White’s potential departure from Wheel of Fortune raises questions about the show’s future. With Ryan Seacrest stepping in as the new host, fans eagerly await the next chapter of this beloved game show. However, it’s impossible to imagine the program without Vanna White’s signature elegance and infectious smile. As White herself expressed, if she could, she would continue working forever because she genuinely loves her job.
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As fans brace themselves for the changes to come, one thing remains certain: Vanna White’s contributions to Wheel of Fortune will forever be remembered, and her departure will mark the end of an era for the show.