The death of Matthew Perry, renowned for his role as Chandler Bing in the beloved sitcom Friends, has sent shockwaves through the entertainment industry. The 54-year-old actor was discovered unresponsive in a jacuzzi at his Los Angeles residence on Saturday, leading to an outpouring of tributes and remembrances from fans and colleagues alike.
Was Matthew Perry ever married?
Despite his widespread fame, Matthew Perry never tied the knot during his lifetime. His closest brush with marriage came in November 2020 when he got engaged to literary manager Molly Hurwitz. However, the engagement was short-lived, and the couple went their separate ways in 2021. Throughout his life, Perry navigated several high-profile relationships with notable personalities, although none of them culminated in marriage.
Matthew Perry’s romantic history garnered considerable attention, with the actor linked to a string of well-known figures in the entertainment industry. Notably, he had relationships with Julia Roberts and Yasmine Bleeth in the 1990s, followed by a brief romance with Neve Campbell in 1998. Subsequently, his dating life included Maeve Quinlan in 2002-2003, Rachel Dunn from 2003-2005, and a six-year relationship with Lizzy Caplan that concluded in 2012.
Did Matthew Perry have children?
Matthew Perry, the late Friends star, never had any children. Despite his high-profile relationships and engagements, Perry’s personal life didn’t include the experience of parenthood.
Also Read: Are Luke Perry and Matthew Perry (Chandler) related?
While he left behind a legacy of exceptional talent and memorable performances, he did not have the opportunity to embrace the joys and responsibilities of fatherhood during his lifetime.