Trinamool Congress MP Nusrat Jahan released a statement on Wednesday, in which she opened up about her separation from her husband Nikhil Jain and said they got separated long back. The duo got married in Bodrum of Turkey in 2019.

In the statement, Nusrat said her marriage was invalid in India.

“Being on foreign land, as per Turkish Marriage Regulation, the ceremony is invalid. Moreover, since it was an interfaith marriage, it requires validation under Special Marriage Act. in India, which did not happen. As per court of law, it is not a Marriage, but a relationship or a live-in relationship. Thus, the question of divorce does not arise,” she said in the statement. 

Not just this, she also levelled several accusations against Nikhil, including accusing him of mishandling her money.

Following this, Nikhil spoke to India Today and revealed that he has filed for an annulment in Kolkata. 

What is an annulment? 

It is a legal procedure that cancels a marriage and declares that it never technically existed and was never valid. Some of the grounds of annulment include bigamy, forced consent, mental illness, and underage marriage.

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