Bollywood actor Yami Gautam Dhar opened up in an interview, about dealing with her skin condition, called keratosis pilaris, that she has been suffering from for years. 

The actor recalled how people seeing her on the shoot would talk about airbrushing or concealing. It affected her a lot and took years to accept, and then embrace confidently. 

Back then, she took to social media in order to let go of her “fears and insecurities”. 

The ‘Bhoot Police’ actor had shared pictures from her photoshoot and wrote that the condition causes dry and rough patches with tiny bumps on the skin.

She revealed that she chose to do away with the post-production procedure soon after her photoshoot.

“I thought, ‘Hey Yami, why don’t you embrace this fact and accept it enough to be okay with it. Just let it be’ (Yes, I do talk out loud to myself). For those who haven’t heard about this, it’s a skin condition wherein you get tiny bumps on the skin.”

“I promise they aren’t as bad as your mind and your neighbour aunty makes it out to be. I developed this skin condition during my teenage years, and there is still no cure for it,” she wrote.

The 32-year-old said she had found liberation in sharing it with the world. 

“I’ve dealt with it for many years now and today finally, I decided to let go of all my fears and insecurities and found the courage to love and accept my ‘flaws’ wholeheartedly. I also found the courage to share my truth with you. Phew! “I didn’t feel like airbrushing my folliculitis or smoothing that ‘under-eye’ or ‘shaping up’ that waist a tiny bit more! And yet, I feel beautiful,” she concluded.

While she did not have difficulty in writing the post, Yami Gautam had her struggles from the time she learnt of her situation, to the moment of putting up the post. Thus, she was overwhelmed upon receiving support for sharing her story. Notably, her social media followers have lauded the effort to speak about her struggles. 

Also Read | Who is Aditya Dhar, Yami Gautam’s husband

What is keratosis pilaris?

Keratosis pilaris is a skin condition that leads to dry, rough patches and tiny bumps, usually on the upper arms, thighs, cheeks or buttocks. However, these bumps do not hurt or itch. Although incurable, this condition can be treated with moisturisers and prescription creams to enhance skin appearance.