Pinocchio 2022 is going to release on Disney Plus on September 8. Directed by Robert Zemeckis, this American musical fantasy is a live-action adaptation of Walt Disney’s 1940 animated film Pinocchio. The film stars Tom Hanks, Cynthia Erivo and Luke Evans among others. The story of the film is based on Carlo Collodi’s The Adventures of Pinocchio.
Pleasure Island is one of the locations in the 1940 film.
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What is Pleasure Island?
The Land of Toys is a fictitious land in The Adventures of Pinocchio by Collodi. The 1940s film assigned the name Pleasure Island to it. The land is a place of freedom and anarchy for boys and girls. However, it is later revealed that the place is far more sinister.
The place is headed by the Coachman and is employed for the purpose of turning mischievous boys into donkeys. Thus, according to him, the place serves ‘stupid, little boys’ the best.
Boys who go there go voluntarily as they are enticed with the promise of fun and freedom. The reputation of the island is quite contradictory, however, to what the name suggests. Honest John and Gideon were horrified when they met the Coachman as Pleasure Island was declared illegal and off-limits by law. In the Pleasure Island, the boys are allowed to do whatever they want, like smoking cigars, not going to school, fighting, drinking beer, gambling and so on. Pinocchio was enticed to go there.
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The perfect description of the island would be a heaven for bad boys as they get to do things that children usually don’t get to do. However, the Pleasure Island is a trap, which the boys are unaware of. After spending some time on the island, and being the way the island permits, they are converted to donkeys for behaving like destructive animals. They do not get transformed instantly as the curse takes time to build, on account of their ‘jackass behavior’.
The Coachman and his Pleasure Island are inherently evil.