The Met Gala, one of the most prestigious events in the fashion calendar, brings together the biggest names in entertainment, fashion, and culture. Every year, celebrities dress to impress in the latest designer outfits, making headlines for their bold fashion choices and memorable moments. However, not all famous faces are welcome at this exclusive event. Here are some celebrities who have been banned from the Met Gala and why.
1) Donald Trump
Former US President Donald Trump is one of the most high-profile celebrities to have been banned from the Met Gala. The reason for his exclusion is reportedly due to his controversial political views and divisive comments, which have caused widespread criticism and backlash. Despite being a prominent figure in the entertainment world, Trump’s political career has made him persona non grata at events like the Met Gala.
Donald Trump and Tim Gunn are reportedly banned from the #MetGala for life.
— Buzzing Pop (@BuzzingPop) May 1, 2023
2) Kathy Griffin
Comedian Kathy Griffin is another celebrity who has been banned from the Met Gala. The reason for her exclusion is due to a controversial photo shoot she did in which she held a fake severed head resembling Donald Trump. The photo sparked widespread outrage and condemnation, leading to Griffin being blacklisted from the event.
3) Lindsay Lohan
Actress Lindsay Lohan has also been banned from the Met Gala due to her past behavior. Lohan has been in and out of rehab for years, and her public struggles with addiction and legal issues have made her a liability for event organizers. Her absence from the Met Gala has been noted by many in the fashion world, as Lohan was once a regular attendee of the event.
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4) Demi Lovato
Pop star Demi Lovato has been banned from the Met Gala after speaking out about her experience attending the event in 2016. Lovato described it as cliquey and uncomfortable, admitting that she felt more connected to the homeless people at an AA meeting than the celebrities at the event.
Demi Lovato at Met Gala 2016 🔥
— Tanya Petkova (@TanyaPetkova5) April 30, 2023
5) Roseanne Barr
Comedian Roseanne Barr is another celebrity who has been banned from the Met Gala. The reason for her exclusion is reportedly due to her controversial tweets and comments, which have caused widespread criticism and backlash. Barr has been accused of making racist and offensive statements on social media, leading to her being blacklisted from many events in the entertainment world.
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The Met Gala has always been a highly exclusive event that only the most elite and influential people are invited to. While many celebrities attend the event year after year, there are still those who have been banned due to their past actions or controversial statements. Whether it’s because of political views, past behavior, or social media controversies, being banned from the Met Gala is a clear indication that not all famous faces are welcome at this prestigious event. Regardless, the Met Gala remains a highly anticipated event that continues to capture the attention of the world and sets the tone for fashion trends for years to come.