The eldest daughter of actor Ioan Gruffudd, Ella Evans, has requested a restraining order be issued against his father and his girlfriend, Bianca Wallace. On May 31, the 13-year-old filed documents in Los Angeles Superior Court seeking a temporary restraining order against her father and his girlfriend Bianca Wallace.
Also read | Who is Alice Evans, Loan Gruffudd’s ex-wife?
Ella Evans, 13-year-old is the daughter of actor Ioan Gruffudd and his ex-wife Alice Evans.
Who are Ioan Gruffudd’s children, Ella, and Elsie?
Ioan Gruffudd and Alice Evans got married in 2007. The couple has two daughters together, Ella Evans and Elsie Evans, born in 2009 and 2013, respectively. Their marriage had ended, and the pair announced their split in January 2021. Gruffudd then openly revealed his new romantic relationship in October of the same year.
Recently, the eldest daughter of Gruffudd, Ella, made the headlines after she filed for a restraining order against her own father.
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According to media reports, the restraining order request was made after an altercation happened at Gruffudd’s and his girlfriend Bianca Wallace’s home while Ella and Elsie were visiting. Wallace has also been sued for civil harassment by the 13-year-old. The hearing in the matter is scheduled on June 23.
Gruffudd has been engaged in a lengthy divorce battle with his ex-wife, Alice Evans. Both are reportedly seeking custody of the children. The actor, ironically, has a restraining order against his ex-wife Alice.
The actor in a court filing alleged his ex-wife Alice Evans of verbal abuse. He also made allegations of her undermining him in the marriage in front of his daughters throughout their lives. He said, “Alice made fun of my appearance often, making hair-loss comments and telling me I had ”saggy-vagina eyes.”
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Last year in July, In response to Alice Evans’ request for sole custody of their two daughters during their divorce, the actor filed for joint custody of their two daughters. Their marriage had dissolved, and the couple divorced in January 2021. Subsequently, Gruffudd then made his new relationship public in October of the same year.