German multi-lingual period mystery 1899 premiered on Netflix on Thursday, 17 November 2022. The series is created by Jantje Friese and Baran bo Odar, creators of the critically acclaimed sci-fi thriller series, Dark.
Set in the year 1899, the series follows a group of European immigrants traveling from London to New York on a steamship. During the journey, they get caught up in a mystery as they come across another migrant ship adrift in the open sea.
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The 8-episode series stars Emily Beecham, Aneurin Barnard, Andreas Pietschmann, and Miguel Bernardeau in lead roles.
Who are Jantje Friese and Baran bo Odar?
Jantje Friese is a German film producer and screenwriter born in 1977. Friese studied production and media management at the University of Television and Film Munich. She worked as a producer for Made in Munich Film Production and Neue Sentimental Film Berlin.
Baran bo Odar is a German Film and television director. He was born on April 18, 1978, in Switzerland to a Turkish mother and a Russian father. In 2010, he directed the German thriller film The Silence. Friese served as the production manager for the film.
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In 2014, Baran bo Odar and Jantje Friese jointly wrote the screenplay for Who Am I – No System is Safe, a German techno-thriller. The film was directed by Odar and was nominated for Best Screenplay at the German Film Awards 2015. The film made Netflix offer them a series for the streaming platform.
Friese and Odar jointly created the 2017 Netflix series Dark, which was named one of the Greatest TV Shows of the 21st Century by Rolling Stone. In 2018, they were honoured with Grimme-Preis, Germany’s most prestigious television award, for their work on Dark.
In 2020, Friese and Odar announced their next show, 1899, which premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival in September 2022 and was released on Netflix in November 2022.