The upcoming three-part documentary series titled “Depp V Heard” aims to revisit the well-known legal battle involving Johnny Depp and Amber Heard. However, this series won’t simply retread old gossip and rumors. Netflix is committed to delivering a new and unbiased viewpoint on the matter.
During the infamous trial, Judge Bruce White removed Depp’s lawyer, Adam Waldman, from the case upon uncovering that the attorney had shared confidential information with the media. The trial, which garnered significant attention, took an unexpected turn when allegations were directed at Waldman.
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Who is Adam Waldman?
Waldman, a prominent American lawyer who also engages in lobbying, previously represented Depp during his divorce proceedings. However, he was subsequently ousted from Depp’s legal team after a judge discovered that he had been disclosing confidential information.
Waldman is married to Barbara Sturm, a German aesthetics doctor and the CEO behind the skincare brand Dr. Barbara Sturm. The attorney is a father to four children, comprising three daughters and one son. His approximate net worth is thought to be in the vicinity of $2 million.
The jury in the Depp v Heard case concluded that Waldman had defamed Amber Heard through his comments provided to the Daily Mail publication. In these statements, Waldman asserted that Heard had engaged in a ‘hoax’ by summoning the police to their apartment in May 2016. A piece published on April 8, 2020, quoted Waldman saying, “Amber Heard and her associates in the media utilized fabricated allegations of sexual violence as both an offensive weapon and a defensive shield, adapting their use based on their requirements. They have wielded certain supposed ‘facts’ about her false claims of sexual violence as the offensive weapon, imparting them to the public and Mr. Depp.”
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Reacting to the jury verdict in Johnny Depp vs Amber Heard case, Waldman wrote on Instagram, “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly.”-Martin Luther King Jr.”