The trailer of The Last of Us, an upcoming HBO series starring Pedro Pascal and Bella Ramsey, has been released. Ramsey, 19, became a household name after her performance in Game of Thrones as Lyanna Mormont, who fought bravely in the war against the nightwalkers in The Battle of Winterfall.
The Last of Us centres around the characters of Joel (Pascal) and Ellie (Ramsey) who find themselves in a world where a raging fungal infection is turning people into monsters. It remains to be seen how The Last of Us stacks up against other zombie apocalypse shows like The Walking Dead and iZombie.
Who is Bella Ramsey?
Bella Ramsey was born on September 30, 2003, in England’s Nottingham. She began acting as a child at the age of four with Stagecoach Theatre Arts. Her father, Alex Ramsey, is a businessman. While the Game of Thrones actress was educated online through InterHigh School, she attended Television Workshop, a British institution that guides young actors who want to work in television films and shows.
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Ramsey’s first-ever credited role as Lyanna Mormont was in the HBO epic created by David Benioff and D. B. Weiss. She first appeared in the show’s sixth season’s seventh episode, The Broken Man. The actor’s performance drew praise from both critics and audiences, and stood out even among an ensemble cast of many powerful performers.
The actor was cast as the lead character Mildred Hubble in the fantasy drama series, The Worst Witch, which is an adaptation of a similarly titled series of books authored and illustrated by Jill Murphy. However, in 2020, Ramsey announced on Instagram that she had to quit the show due to concerns regarding her mental health.
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Ramsey also worked as a voice actor in the animated series Hilda, and also won a BAFTA Award for her performance. She reprised the role in the show’s 80-minute special, Hilda and The Mountain King, in December 2021.
After two fantasy dramas and an animated series, it remains to be how Ramsey sharpens her acting chops and pulls off the zombie genre in her highly anticipated upcoming series.