The entertainment world was struck with grief as news of the passing of iconic American actor and comedian Paul Reubens, best known for his beloved character Pee-Wee Herman, surfaced recently. Reubens, 70, succumbed to a battle with cancer, leaving behind a legacy that has delighted generations of children and adults alike.
In 1989, Reubens participated in a mock wedding with Doris Duke’s adopted daughter, Chandi Heffner at Shangri-La, Doris Duke’s mansion in Honolulu, Hawaii.
Who is Chandi Heffner?
Chandi Heffner is a former belly dancer and Hare Krishna who gained attention in the 1980s when she moved to Hawaii and formed a unique friendship with the eccentric and reclusive woman, Doris Duke. Doris, an heiress to a vast fortune, believed that Chandi was the reincarnation of her daughter Arden, leading to an adoption that would forever change both their lives.
Following her adoption by Doris Duke in 1988, Chandi’s life took an extraordinary turn. Doris promised to care for Chandi in the manner she had become accustomed to and made her the executor of her will. Chandi assumed a significant role in Duke’s life, managing her households, advising on finances, and traveling with her around the world. Duke even purchased a horse farm for Chandi on Hawaii’s Big Island, where she still resides today.
Also Read: Pee Wee Herman’s Tequila dance goes viral after Paul Reubens’ death | Watch Video
However, the idyllic relationship took a drastic turn in 1991 when Doris Duke abruptly cut Chandi off. The reasons for this decision remain unknown. Despite Duke’s earlier commitment to care for Chandi for life, her will left the majority of her fortune to charity. Chandi was left with nothing, leading her to sue Duke’s estate.
In the legal battle that ensued, Chandi was ultimately awarded a settlement of $65 million. With this newfound wealth, she established a life of luxury on her palatial farm in Hawaii. Known for her compassion for animals, Chandi dedicates her time to rescuing and caring for horses, donkeys, pigs, birds, and other animals.
Also Read: How Debi Mazar helped Paul Reubens come out of depression after 1991 arrest
As the world mourns the loss of a true entertainer, Paul Reubens’ legacy will live on through the joyful memories he brought to countless lives.