Eijaz Khan recently got engaged to his partner Pavitra Punia. The couple started dating during their time in Bigg Boss 14 and now they have been partners for more than two years. On Wednesday, Khan shared four pictures of themselves on his Instagram account with a caption that read, “Baby, if we keep waiting for the
right time, it’s never gonna be, I promise you my best, Will you marry me?” She
said, “Yes.”
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Who is Eijaz Khan?
Eijaz Khan, a film and
television actor from India, was born on August 28, 1975, in Hyderabad, India.
He is the eldest of three siblings. His parents separated when he was three
years old. While growing up, he and his brother lived in Mumbai with their
father and his sister and their mother lived in Hyderabad. He was schooled from
Our Lady of Perpetual Succour High School in Chembur, Mumbai after which he
studied civil engineering from Datta Meghe College of Engineering.
Khan became well-known by
portraying the main characters in the Balaji Telefilm serials Kkavyanjali and
Kya Hoga Nimmo Kaa. In the Sony TV series, Yeh Moh Moh Ke Dhaage, he played the
main character of Raidhan Raj Katara (Mukhi). He appeared in the web series
Mayanagari – City of Dreams and the Ullu App’s Halala, both of which were
released in 2019. He made an appearance in Bigg Boss 14 but he had to leave the
show due to some prior commitments.
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He has been part of feature
films like Thakshak (1999), Tanu Weds Manu (2011) and Tanu Weds Manu Returns
(2015). He is also cast in the Hotstar series of City of Dreams.
Khan dated Anita Hassanandani,
a television actor for over 2 years. In 2005, he won the best onscreen couple
with her.
Currently he is seeing
Pavitra Punia with whom he recently got engaged.