The fifth season of Netflix’s period drama The Crown is scheduled to premiere on November 9, 2022. The series, which follows the life and reign of Queen Elizabeth II, will focus on the 1990s era in this season. Focussing on the strained relationship between Prince Charles and Princess Diana and their eventual separation, the season will also showcase the media war that the royal couple engaged in.
English actor Imelda Staunton stars as Queen Elizabeth II in this season, marking the final casting of the role after Claire Foy in seasons 1 and 2, and Olivia Colman in seasons 3 and 4.
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Who is Imelda Staunton?
Imelda Mary Philomena Bernadette Staunton was born on January 9, 1956, in Archway, North London to Bridie McNicholas, a hairdresser, and Joseph Staunton, a labourer. She attended La Sainte Convent, where she took drama lessons and starred in school plays. After auditioning for drama schools, she secured admission at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art (RADA) at age 18.
After graduating in 1976, she spent six years in English repertory theatre, playing parts in various plays and musicals including The Beggar’s Opera (1982) and two revivals of Guys and Dolls (1982, 1996).
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Staunton’s first film appearance was in the 1986 historical drama, Comrades. She has appeared in several acclaimed films including Much Ado About Nothing (1993), Sense and Sensibility (1995), and Another Life (2001).
She portrayed the role of Dolores Umbridge in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2007) and reprised her role in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 1 (2010). The role went on to become one of the most appreciated performances of Staunton, being described as “coming close to stealing the show”.
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Staunton has also appeared in various Television series. Since 2020, she portrays the role of Penny in the Apple TV+ comedy series, Trying. She is currently playing the role of Queen Elizabeth II in the acclaimed Netflix series The Crown and will be reprising her role in the final two seasons of the show.
Staunton met English actor Jim Carter during the 1982 musical play Guys and Dolls. They got married in 1983 and have a daughter, Bessie Carter, born in 1993.