Jane Doe, a woman Rick and Morty co-creator Justin Roiland dated, accused him of domestic violence in a criminal complaint in May 2020. Based on the complaint, the Orange County District Attorney brought charges against Roiland and he is set to face trial shortly. Against the backdrop of the charges and the trial, Adult Swim, the production house of Rick and Morty, announced on Tuesday that they are cutting ties with Roiland.
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Who is Jane Doe?
Jane Doe is a woman who dated Rick and Morty’s co-creator Justin Roiland. She later accused him of domestic violence based on an incident that happened in January 2020, according to court documents accessed by NBC.
Also read: Why Adult Swim is cutting ties with Justin Roiland, Rick and Morty co-creator
Details about Doe are not known. Based on her complaint, Roiland was charged with one count of felony with domestic battery leading to corporal injury as well as one count of false imprisonment by menace, fraud, or deceit.
When the news of the Attorney general of Orange County’s decision to prosecute Roiland first broke, both Roiland’s lawyers and Adult Swim refused to comment on the issue. Two weeks Adult Swim released a statement dissociating themselves from Roiland.
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“Adult Swim has ended its association with Justin Roiland,” a statement from Adult Swin on social media read. “Rick and Morty will continue. The talented and dedicated crew are hard at work for Season 7.” Season seven of Rick and Morty will come out in mid-2023.
Since the case was first filed, Roiland has maintained his plea of not guilty. He continued to plea the same while showing up for the pre-trial hearing on January 12.