Felix Arvid Ulf Kjellberg, who is famously known as PewDiePie, announced on Sunday, February 5 that he and his wife, Marzia, are expecting a baby. PewDiePie uploaded the video titled: “We’re having a baby!” sending his 111 million followers on YouTube into a frenzy.
The announcement is just a minute and a half long. The young couple kept their announcement short but sweet. “I’ve been keeping a secret from you guys,” the 33-year-old said. The video includes shots of five different positive pregnancy tests before the YouTuber could be heard saying: “And that is – I’m going to be a dad!”
He also gave some insights into the couple’s journey. He recalled: “We found out that Marzia is pregnant first in November.” Marzia was seen at the clinic as PewDiePie added, “Marzia’s been dealing with sickness. She’s been taking it like an absolute champ.” “So yeah,” the YouTuber continued, “I’m gonna be a dad!”
“It’s entering new territory but I feel really ready and so does Marzia,” he said. PewDiePie admitted that while the news was kinda strange to him, he was also ‘so excited.”
Who is Marzia Kjellberg?
Marzia Kjellberg is a well-known YouTuber and a businesswoman. She was born on October 21st, 1992, in Arzignano, Italy. In expertise includes writing, fashion designing, and business management.
Shortly after Felix started the PewDiePie channel, he entered into a relationship with Marzia Bisognin. Marzia emailed him after watching his videos on YouTube. The pair then struck up a friendship online and connected over Facebook. PewDiePie went to visit Marzia in Italy and she went to visit him in Sweden in late 2011. Eventually, PewDiePie moved to Italy to be with her a year later.
On January 16, 2012, Marzia started her own channel, under the name CutiePieMarzia where she shared content about fashion and lifestyle, as well as DIY tips and tricks. On October 22, 2018, Marzia announced that she was retiring from her career as a YouTuber to focus on a new career path.
In April 2018, PewDiePie proposed to Marzia. They got married just over a year later, in August 2019.