Merton McSnurtle, also known as The Terrific Whatzit, is a fictional superhero turtle appearing in DC Comics. The character will appear in the animated film ‘DC League of Super Pets’ and will be voiced by Natasha Lyonne. The character will be portrayed as female.
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Merton is DC’S first talking animal superhero. The Terrific Whatzit first appeared in ‘Funny Stuff #1’ in 1944 and was created by Martin Naydel. McSnurtle is a turtle shopkeeper who lives in the town of Zooville. He is famous for his honesty and laziness.
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He has obtained his superpowers from two powerful entities, the nice Prince Highness and nasty Prince Lowness. They wanted to see how a completely honest person would handle the superpowers. During the action, McSnurtle sheds his shell and dons a costume almost identical to the Golden Age Flash. The lightning bolt emblem is replaced by a “TW” in a circle.
Although he continued to appear from time to time as McSnartle the shopkeeper in other features, McSnurtle was last seen in ‘Funny Stuff #17’ in January 1947.
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McSnurtle possessed super-speed powers similar to those of the Golden Age Flash. He also possesses some super-strength, enough to bend a tank’s main gun barrel. McSnurtle also has the ability to fly.
An ordinary turtle wearing the Terrific Whatzit costume was seen in ‘DC Super Friends #14’ in June 2009 as the adopted pet of Flash. A redesigned Terrific Whatzit appeared in the DC Super-Pets children’s book, ‘Salamander Smackdown’ as a super-powered pet of the present-day Flash.
McSnurtle is one of the members of the Zoo Crew, an animal-themed take on the Justice League that operates on Earth-C.
‘DC League of Super Pets’ will make its theatrical release on July 29, 2022, in the United States and on August 5, 2022, in India.