“Heart of Invictus,” an engaging and impactful five-episode limited series, emerges as a creation of Archewell Productions in collaboration with director Orlando von Einsiedel, recognized for his exceptional work on “Virunga.” This project is elevated by the executive production involvement of Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex. At its core, the series presents a deeply moving narrative that revolves around the lives of six remarkable individuals. Through their participation in the 2022 Invictus Games, viewers are invited to witness their transformative journeys of healing and resilience. This series stands as a testament to the indomitable human spirit and the power of athletic competition to inspire and catalyze change.
Also Read | Heart of Invictus: Release date, episodes, producer, director, and more
Who is Orlando von Einsiedel?
Born in August 1980, Orlando von Einsiedel is a distinguished British film director whose body of work predominantly encompasses documentary films that delve into pressing global social concerns. His filmmaking endeavors have taken him to diverse locations across the globe, spanning continents such as Africa, Asia, North America, and even the Arctic. Von Einsiedel has garnered recognition for his impactful storytelling and dedication to shedding light on critical issues.
He gained prominence through his exceptional documentary “Virunga,” a project that earned him awards and acclaim. Notably, this film was crafted in collaboration with Prince de Merode, the director of Virunga National Park. The film’s success not only amplified von Einsiedel’s profile but also highlighted his ability to bring attention to crucial environmental and societal topics through his compelling storytelling.
Orlando von Einsiedel pursued his academic journey by studying social anthropology at the University of Manchester. Building upon this foundation, he furthered his educational pursuits by obtaining a Master of Science (MSc) degree in anthropology and development from the renowned London School of Economics.
Orlando von Einsiedel’s body of documentary work has garnered significant recognition, with many of his films being showcased at prestigious international film festivals. Notably, his directorial efforts include “Virunga” (2014), a documentary that received an Academy Award nomination for Best Documentary Feature. Additionally, “The White Helmets” (2016), another project he helmed, secured an Oscar win in the category of Best Documentary (Short Subject). Both of these nominations were shared with producer Joanna Natasegara, highlighting their successful collaborative partnership.
His 2018 film “Evelyn,” which centers on his late brother, made its debut at the London Film Festival and earned acclaim, ultimately winning the BIFA (British Independent Film Award) for Best Documentary. Furthermore, von Einsiedel’s role as an executive producer on the film “Learning to Skateboard in a Warzone (if you’re a girl)” led to its triumph at the 2020 Academy Awards, where it was awarded the title of Best Documentary (Short Subject).
In 2006, he co-founded Grain Media, a London-based production company that has played a pivotal role in bringing his creative visions to life. Von Einsiedel’s consistent presence at prestigious film festivals, along with his numerous accolades and awards, underscores his remarkable talent for crafting compelling and socially impactful documentaries.