Priyanka Chopra recently shared the picture of her baby daughter Malti on Instagram. On Mothers’ Day 2022, Chopra had announced the coming of Malti to their home. She had shared a picture of her on Instagram, with the face covered with an emoticon, with her husband Nick Jonas and added a heartfelt caption to it.
Chopra, who is very active on social media, also posted a picture of her childhood along with her late father Ashok Chopra on August 24 at around midnight. The caption read ‘Happy birthday dad. We miss u. Everyday.’ and added a heart emoji at the end. She often speaks about her father in thank you speeches and her fans are aware of how much she misses him.
Who is Priyanka Chopra?
Priyanka Chopra is an Indian actor, singer, producer, and model with a global following. She was born on July 18, 1982, in Jamshedpur. She was crowned Miss World in 2000, which led to her worldwide fame. Some of her movies over a more than 20-year career include Don (2006), Fashion (2008), What’s Your Rashee? (2009) and Barfi (2012).
Two of her singles include In My City (2012) and Exotic (2013) that were released under the label Interscope Records. From 2015 to 2018, she was cast in Quantico, where she played the lead role of an FBI recruit turned suspect.
In 2018, Chopra got married to Nick Jonas. They welcomed a baby girl in 2022 through surrogacy.
Also Read | Priyanka Chopra shares 1st photo of her baby with heartfelt Mother’s Day message
Throughout her career, Chopra has indulged in philanthropic activities. The Priyanka Chopra Foundation for Health and Education was established by her in 2011. She was appointed as the UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador in 2016. She has been associated with UNICEF since 2006.
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She actively participates in panel discussions promoting education of girls and children’s rights. The 20th anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child was also observed by her. She has worked with a number of non-profits to raise awareness about the condition of the girl child in India. Time and again she has proved herself to be a true feminist. She has also been vocal about issues like gender equality on a number of platforms.