Zendaya wore a Rahul Mishra blue saree on day 2 of the Nita Mukesh Ambani Cultural Centre (NMACC) launch event in Mumbai on Saturday. Supermodel Gigi Hadid also wore a desi outfit at the event as the ‘Euphoria’ actor’s boyfriend Tom Holland arrived in a black suit.
Holland and Zendaya arrived in India on Friday. The two were amongst the many Hollywood guests at Neeta Ambani’s NMACC launch. Bollywood star who has shifted to the US – Priyanka Chopra – was accompanied by her singer husband Nick Jonas. Gigi Hadid came in a saree.
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Several social media users were impressed with Zendaya’s outfit. The Spider-Man star wore a glittery midnight blue saree, which is designed by Rahul Mishra.
“Zendaya in a saree omg😭😭 she looks gorgeous!” a Twitter user said.
“zendaya in a saree has me shaking crying throwing up in a chokehold biggest serve with a milkshake on the side,” another one added.
“saw zendaya in a saree, i can finall unalive myself peacefully,” a third one said on Twitter.
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Who is Rahul Mishra?
Rahul Mishra is an Indian fashion designer. The 43-year-old is the first from India to to showcase at the Paris Haute Couture Week.
Born in Malhausi near Kanpur, Mishra graduated with a physics degree from the Chhatrapati Shahu Ji Maharaj University. He did his post graduation in apparel design from the National Institute of Design (NID) in Ahmedabad. He was the Best Student Designer Of The Year in 2005.
He won a scholarship at Istituto Marangoni, Milan in 2009. Rahul Mishra also won the International Woolmark Prize in 2014.
“His eponymous label with two flagship stores in India and a thriving national and international distribution channel finds its genesis in the ideas of sustainability that present fashion as a tool to create participation and empower the local craft community of India,” Mishra’s website reads.
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Rahul Mishra made his debut in 2006 at the Lakme Fashion Week. He has showcased his designs in London, Dubai and Australia too.
The Nita Mukesh Ambani Cultural Centre was opened on Friday. It is named after the founder and chairperson of Reliance Foundation Nita Mukesh Ambani. She is the wife of industrialist Mukesh Ambani.