Bollywood actor Aamir Khan and his wife Kiran Rao on Saturday announced separation after 15 years of blissful marriage. They have a son together, Azad Rao Khan. The couple released a joint statement that they will continue to be co-parents to their son.
Also Read: Who is Kiran Rao?
Before this Aamir was married to Reena Dutta.
Reena Dutta is Bollywood actor Aamir Khan%u2019s ex-wife and a well-known face within the industry. Aamir and Reena were married for almost 16 years before they announced separation in 2002. In an interview with Simi Garewal, Aamir revealed that the duo got married in 1986 when Reena was 19 and Aamir was 20 at a temple without disclosing the fact to either of the families. He also revealed that he had a huge crush on Reena from his teenage.
The couple shares two beautiful children together, Junaid and Ira Khan. Ira Khan has recently made headlines when she opened up about her relationship and challenges with online trolls.
Reena also made a cameo appearance in the %u2018Papa Kehte Hain%u2019 hit song in Aamir Khan%u2019s first movie %u2018Qayamat Se Qayamat Tak%u2019.
Since she has always preferred to stay away from the media limelight, very little is known about Reena Dutta%u2019s personal life.
Also Read: Aamir Khan and Kiran Rao: A timeline of 15-year long lovestory
As far as her professional life goes, Reena started her career by working for a travel agency and later moved into the world of media. She made a leap towards the film industry with the blockbuster Oscar-nominated movie %u2018Lagaan%u2019 that stars her ex-husband Aamir Khan. Reena was the co-producer of the movie that went on to become a huge success.
However, after her divorce from the 3 Idiots actor, Reena chose to quit the entertainment industry and opted out of the life that involves media and attention.
Reena and Aamir share an amicable bond even after a decade of their divorce and call each other good friends.