Hollywood actor Toni Collette has revealed on Instagram that she and her husband, Dave Galafassi, are separating. The decision was announced hours after pictures of Galafassi kissing a woman called Shannon Egan began doing the rounds on social media.
In her Instagram post, the Hereditary actor and Galafassi said, “It is with grace and gratitude that we announce we are divorcing”, further adding, “We’re united in our decision and part with continuing respect and care for each other. Our kids are of paramount importance to us and we will continue to thrive as a family, albeit a different shape. We’re thankful for the space and love you grant us as we evolve and move through this transition peacefully. Big thanks.”
Who is Shannon Egan?
Shannon Egan, 41, according to Daily Mail, is a chiropractor working in Sydney. Egan reportedly has more than 15 years of experience in her profession.
Egan pursued her higher studies at Macquarie University, from where she received both her bachelor’s and master’s degrees in Chiropractic Science.
Also Read| Who is Toni Collette?
An online profile of Galafassi’s alleged girlfriend states, ‘Through her own health challenges in recovering from a chronic illness, Shannon understands the complexities of health and the need for an integrative approach, both medically and holistically”.
Her profile further states that she subsequently developed a fascination for the psychological effects of disease. It sparked a lifelong interest in meditative practises, spiritual development, and the relationship between the mind and body.
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Egan has not yet made any public comment regarding her alleged affair with Galafassi.
Collette and Galafassi married in 2003 and are parents to two children. The former couple met during the launch of an album by Galafassi’s former band, Gelbison.
In September 2018, when speaking about how she met Galafassi, Collette said, “He was the first person I saw when I walked in the door”, further adding, “He kissed me on the cheek and I just kind of melted. I planned to stay for ten minutes… I was there for 12 hours. It was a good day.”