Sushant Singh Rajput was seen as one of the rising stars of Bollywood. His 7-year-long Bollywood career came to an abrupt end with his shocking death in Mumbai on June 14, 2020. The 34-year-old actor was found hanging at his Bandra apartment in the afternoon. The investigative team arrested his girlfriend Rhea Chakraborty three months later for allegedly procuring drugs.
In a recent development in the high-profile case, the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) has named Rhea and 34 others in a chargesheet. Rhea along with her brother Showik Chakraborty, has been charged for procuring drugs as well as abetting the dead actor to take drugs.
Also Read: NCB charges actor Rhea Chakraborty for buying drugs for Sushant Singh Rajput
Sushant was reportedly suffering from bipolar disorder, a mental disease that overwhelms a patient in both sadness and ecstasy. The post-mortem report said the cause of his death was ‘asphyxia due to hanging’. In October 2020 a report was filed by Dr Sudhir Gupta, head of the forensic medical team tasked by CBI, that wrote off any possibility of murder and called the unfortunate incident a case of suicide.
“We are stuck in success and failure so much that we forgot to live life. If anything matters in life, it is life itself,” a dialogue from Sushant Singh Rajput’s character in ‘Chhichhore’ resurfaced on the internet when the news of his untimely death broke.
Also Read: On Sushant Singh Rajput’s death anniversary, social media users share artwork
Sushant Singh Rajput lived his early days at his birthplace Patna. His fascination for films and acting flourished on the campus of St. Karen’s High School in Patna. He lost his mother when he was 15. The grieving family moved to Delhi and Sushant joined Kulachi Hansraj Model School.
The astrophysics enthusiast wanted to travel to the vacuum of space but ended up at Delhi Technological University as his father wanted him to be a qualified engineer. Deeply invested in the cosmic universe, Sushant won the National Olympiad in Physics at the age of 19.
Sushant dropped out of college in the fourth year of his BTech course to move to Mumbai to realise his dream of becoming a movie star.
Sushant, a fan of Shah Rukh Khan, began his acting career with a couple of television shows at Balaji Telefilms. One of them was ‘Pavitra Rishtra’ which turned out to be a massive success for the actor.
Also Read: Sushant Singh Rajput death anniversary: 5 iconic roles played by late actor
Sushant made his Bollywood debut with ‘Kai Po Che’ which earned him critical praise for his performance in the movie. His biggest success in films came with ‘MS Dhoni – The Untold Story’, a film based on the life of India’s cricketing legend Mahendra Singh Dhoni. Sushant received two ‘best actor’ awards for the film.
As success and money came, Sushant bought a piece of land on the moon from the International Lunar Lands Registry. The ‘Kedarnath’ actor was also deeply invested in quantum physics. His Twitter bio reads: “Photon in a double-slit”, a reference to the double-slit experiment that showed how matter behaves differently when being observed and when not. In an interview, Sushant had said, “Sometimes, I feel I am acting, not in the film, but reality.”