Divya Agarwal won Bigg Boss OTT and took home Rs 25 lakh prize money. Nishant Bhat and Shamita Shetty emerged as the first and second runner-up respectively.
Divya Agarwal kept the audience glued throughout the season, thanks to her passion and determination to win the show. Divya, who has previously won ‘Ace of Space’, entered the show without a connection, however, Zeeshan Khan picked her up at the end of week one, dumping his own connection (Urfi Javed).
Also read| Who is Divya Agarwal?
Following Zeeshan’s ouster from the show, Divya played solo and despite not being able to make real connections, she rocked it. She survived every task and even eviction and emerged as one of the strongest contenders to win the show.
‘Bigg Boss 7’ winner Gauahar Khan on Twitter congratulated Divya for her win. She wrote, “Congratulations #DivyaAggarwal! Winner takes it home! well played #shamitashetty #nishantbhat! #pratik see u in #bb15.”
Also read| Divya Agarwal wins Bigg Boss OTT, takes home the prize money of Rs 25 lakh
A fan wrote on Twitter, “Congratulations everyone Wowwww….. Divya created the history and won the bbott show …. Lots of love was waiting for this moment.”
“congratulations @Divyakitweet you became first person to won the bigg boss ott trophy now good luck for bb15 #DivyaKiArmy congratulations to all,” wrote another fan.
“The moment.. Congratulations @Divyakitweet Baby I’m so fuckin proud of u. Kill in #BiggBoss15 #DivyaAgarwal,” tweeted another fan.
Also read| Pratik Sehajpal now a Bigg Boss 15 contestant, out of Bigg Boss OTT race
Pratik Sehajpal, one of the top four finalists chose to quit the ‘Bigg Boss OTT’ winner race and confirmed his entry to ‘Bigg Boss 15’ by choosing the briefcase containing money and a ticket to the upcoming 15th season.
‘Bigg Boss 15’ is expected to air in the first week of October with actor Salman Khan as the host. The makers announced that ‘Bigg Boss 15’ will have a jungle theme, ‘Sankat in Jungle’.