Jefferson Machado, a soap opera actor who went missing about five months ago, has been discovered dead in a trunk outside of a house in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. A family friend named Cintia Hilsendeger posted a message on the actor’s Instagram page confirming his passing.
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Jeff Machado was a well-known and accomplished Portuguese actor and entertainer. Born in Araranguá, Machado started studying to be an actor in 1997.
Jeff vanished in late January after leaving his home near Campo Grande. His family only learned of his absence after an NGO called them because eight canines had been abandoned in his home. Jeff’s family was involved in the Rede Record soap opera Reis. Jeff Machado’s mother was already suspicious about recent messages from him. She claimed that the text messages were never written by him. She also suspected that someone else had sent the message in Jeff’s name.
The investigation into the death of actor Jeff Machado has moved forward. This time, suspicion is being leveled at a man who lives in Campo Grande, a suburb of Rio de Janeiro, where the actor’s body was discovered. Police are looking into a man in connection with Jeff Machado’s murder. During an interview with Record TV Rio, Jairo Magalhes, the actor’s family attorney, divulged the specifics. According to the attorney, Jeff was observed walking around the neighborhood with the man and visiting the residence a month before he vanished. The fact that the authorities discovered many similar wooden trunks, in which the actor’s body was discovered, in the suspect’s home raised suspicions. The inquiry into Machado’s case is still ongoing.
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Jeff Machado was married and his wife’s name is Amy. The couple has two children, a daughter, and a son. His net worth ranged between $1 and $5 million.