Nigerian actor Murphy Afolabi has passed away during the early hours on Sunday. The news of the 49-year-old’s death was confirmed by veteran actor, director and producer, Tunder Ola-Yusuf on Facebook. “Rest in peace. May God give the Family and close associates the fortitude to bear the loss,” Ola-Yusuf wrote in his Facebook post.
The Noruba actor reportedly fell down and smashed his skull on the floor of the bathroom of his home in Lagos on Sunday. The home reportedly was a gift given to the actor by MC Oluomo. The news of his death comes just days after the actor had celebrated his birthday which was on May 9.
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Reacting to the shocking news, popular actor, Odunlade Adekola, took to his Instagram page to express his sadness. He shared a photo of pitch darkness and captioned it with “Jesus Christ We lost Murphy”.
Who was Murphy Afolabi?
Born in 1974, Afolabi entered the entertainment industry in 2001. Prior to his passing, the graduate of Ire Polytechnic, Osun State, made appearances in more than 60 films. Some of his most well known ventures included “Ifa Olokun,” “Omowunmi,” “Jimi Bendel,” “Wasila Coded,” “Olokiki Oru,” and “Idera”.
Afolabi, on his birthday, had published a message, in which he said, “I just wanted to take a moment and say “thank you” to everyone for all of the birthday wishes. It means a lot to me that you all took time from your busy lives to wish me a happy birthday. You people are so special to me. Thanks so much everyone, for the astonishing birthday wishes! God bless you all.”
The talented actor had received multiple nominations as Best Actor, Best Producer and Best Director at the City People movie awards. He reportedly had a net worth of about $400,000.