Hollywood actor Stella Stevens has died on Friday after a long battle with Alzheimer’s disease, her son Herman Andrew Stevens confirmed. Herman Andrew Stevens is the only child of Stella and her former husband Noble Herman Stephen. She was in a long-term relationship for almost 40 years with rock guitarist Bob Kulick, who died in May 2020 from natural causes due to heart disease.
Also Read: Who was Noble Herman Stephens? Actor Stella Stevens’ ex-husband
Who was Bob Kulick?
Bob Kulick, also known as Robert Joel Kulick, was a guitarist and music producer from the United States. Before passing away unexpectedly in May, 2020, at the age of 70, the talented guitarist and producer had shared the stage with a number of music’s greatest stars.
Kulick had applied to join KISS early in his career, but Ace Frehley was chosen instead. Bruce Kulick joined KISS professionally in 1984 and stayed until 1996. On the yearly KISS Kruise in 2017, Bob and his brother Bruce performed a 13-song setlist of KISS songs live for the first time ever.
Later, he evolved into a well-known guitarist, working on Lou Reed’s 1976 album Coney Island Baby and a number of other recording ventures with Meat Loaf. He collaborated with Tim Curry on music and tours, and he even contributed to the classic song Why Do Fools Fall in Love by Diana Ross.
Skeletons In The Closet, a solo album by Bob Kulick, was released in 2017. He also contributed to the song Sweet Victory from SpongeBob SquarePants. In his last efforts, Bob Kulick produced Motörhead’s Under Cöver in 2017. He had a close association with the group and had produced their Grammy-winning Whiplash performance in 2004.
Guitarist Bob Kulick died, aged 70 on May 28, 2020. The reason of death was eventually revealed to Kulick’s brother some months after his passing. Bruce Kulick announced on Twitter that the Las Vegas County Coroner determined the musician had passed away naturally from heart disease-related complications.