In a significant development for the animated series “Rick and Morty,” co-creator Justin Roiland has been replaced as the voice actor for both title characters. This change comes in light of legal troubles that Roiland faced earlier this year.
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In January, he was charged with false imprisonment and felony domestic battery for an alleged incident that occurred in January 2020. Subsequently, Roiland was let go from both “Rick and Morty” and his other animated series “Solar Opposites,” which airs on Hulu.
Although the criminal charges stemming from the original incident were eventually dropped due to a lack of sufficient evidence, Roiland’s dismissal from the shows has remained in effect. As a result, the production team had to find new voice actors to take on the roles of Rick and Morty. The decision to recast was made to ensure continuity in the show’s production.
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The official trailer for Season 7 of “Rick and Morty” has been released, offering fans a glimpse into the upcoming interdimensional adventures of the duo. Season 7 is set to premiere on October 15, marking the first season without Justin Roiland as the voice of the title characters. While the look and feel of the show remain consistent, some listeners may notice a slight difference in the voices of Rick and Morty due to the recasting.
The specific voice actors who have taken over the roles have not been disclosed to the public, leaving fans curious about how the characters will sound in the upcoming season. This change marks a notable shift in the series’ production and is expected to generate significant interest among fans and critics alike.