The release of Akshay Kumar’s film ‘Sooryavanshi’ that was delayed due to the COVID pandemic will finally get a Diwali release, a day when Hollywood biggie ‘Eternals’ will also release in India.

Now, it is reported that the makers found out a way to block out competition from the Hollywood film by demanding that theatre owners do not share the screen with any other movie than theirs.

Also Read: Akshay Kumar says ‘Atrangi Re’ could get an OTT release

Even more, it is also being claimed that the theatre owners have also complied to the demands of the movie makers.

Film distributor Sunil Wadhwa told ETimes, “It has given us immense pleasure to announce our most awaited film of the year Sooryavanshi as a Diwali release for not only the exhibitors but also for the moviegoers who were waiting for a big tentpole film. All exhibitors have given us their solidarity to showcase Sooryavanshi with 100 percent screen space, in fact in other states where cinemas have already reopened there is still a big chunk of cinemas which will open only with Sooryavanshi.”

Also Read: Akshay Kumar’s ‘Prithviraj’ and Ranbir Kapoor’s ‘Shamshera’ get new release dates

If this is true then ‘Eternals’ may have to postpone release to another date in order to see some screens put out shows of the superhero film.

It was also said that Salman Khan and Aayush Sharma starrer ‘Antim: The Final Truth’ may also clash with ‘Sooryavanshi’ and ‘Eternals’ but it may seem unlikely and Antim may also have to postpose release to another day.

Soon after it was announced that theatres will re-open in Maharashtra, makers of five of Akshay Kumar’s films announced their date for a theatrical release. The line up included ‘Sooryavanshi’, ‘Prithviraj’, ‘Bachchan Pandey’, ‘RakshaBandhan’ and ‘Ram Setu’ . However Aanand L Rai’s Atrangi Re’ was not in the list.