A much-awaited feature has finally been unveiled by WhatsApp. The Facebook-owned messaging service app now allows you to mute a chat forever.

WhatsApp took to Twitter to announce the introduction of this feature, which is available for both Android and iOS users. The feature will also be available on WhatsApp for Web version, The Indian Express reported. 

Also read: Facebook to unify messaging systems linking Instagram, Messenger and WhatsApp

Until now, users could mute a chat for a few hours, weeks or a year. WhatsApp has replaced the 1-year option with forever. 

This new feature will be rolled out via an OTA update.

Android users can update the app from the Google Play store. The iOS users need to visit the App store, for the same.

Also read: Whatsapp Web to soon support video, voice calls

How to mute a chat?

1. Select an individual or group you want to mute.

2. Tap the name of the individual or the group.

3.  Tap mute notification.

4. Select the length of time you wish to mute the chat

5. Press OK