The Delhi government on Friday confirmed it will organise a mass vaccination drive for all media houses in the national capital. The government will conduct the vaccination drive at their respective offices and will bear all expenses.
The drive will include electronic, print and digital media.
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Earlier today, Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal chaired a high-level meeting with government officers and instructed them to ensure there are no shortage of beds in the national capital now that oxygen supply is coming under control.
He also instructed them to ensure that no one dies due to oxygen shortage anymore and that the vaccination drive in the city is completed within three months.
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Kejriwal also asked district magistrates to visit two to three vaccination centres for inspections everyday, as well as make surprise visits to old age homes and relief camps.
Delhi reported 19,832 new COVID-19 cases on Friday, as well as 34 deaths, taking the total number of cases and death toll to 12,92,867 and 18,739 respectively.
19,085 patients recovered from the infection in the last 24 hours, taking the total number of recoveries in the national captial to 11,83,093.