The COVID-19 tally in India touched 10,937,320 on Wednesday after 11,610 new cases of coronavirus were recorded on Tuesday. The death toll from coronavirus has now reached 155,913 in India as 100 deaths were recorded in the last 24 hours.
There are currently 136,549 active cases of COVID-19 in India. A total of 11,833 people recovered from the COVID-19 disease in the last 24 hours, as the tally of recovered cases in India is now at 10,644,858.
India started its mass vaccination drive against the disease on January 16. Till now, 8,999,230 people have been vaccinated.
India recorded its first case of COVID-19 on January 30, last year and is the second worst-hit nation after the United States, which has recorded more than 27.6 million cases and 487,926 deaths, as per the tally by Johns Hopkins University.
The novel coronavirus has globally infected 109,487,418 people and killed 2,418,416 of them.