India on Sunday recorded 368,147 COVID-19 cases, pushing the tally to 19,925,604, the Union Health Ministry’s data released on Monday showed. 3,417 deaths in the past 24 hours, pushed the toll to 218,959.
Also read: Delhi records over 400 COVID-19 deaths second day in a row
There are 3,413,642 active cases, while 16,293,003 have recovered.
India started its mass vaccination drive against COVID-19 in January. Its third phase commenced on May 1 in which every person of 18 years and above are eligible to get the shot.
As per the latest update, 157,198,207 people have received at least a single dose of the COVID-19 vaccine.
Also read: Coronavirus mutations could ‘evade immune response’, say scientists
India is reeling under an aggressive second wave of COVID-19, with more than 300,000 cases and 3,000 deaths being recorded in the past several days. The crisis has induced a shortage of medical oxygen, medicines and other supplies in various parts of the country.