Spices are essential in Indian households. Usually sitting in small boxes in a kitchen cabinet, these pantry essentials are what add zest to Indian cuisine. Being such an essential item, it is crucial to make sure every now and then that your spices haven’t gone bad.

While dried spices and herbs have a rather long shelf life (around 1-4 years depending on factors like temperature and storage), it is best to keep a check on their freshness and taste.

Unlike other food items, spices do not really go bad even if they are used beyond their shelf life. Some may lose their fragrance or gain a different texture, but eating them does not pose any health risk. But, if aroma is a must-have, you could discard the spice.

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Store bought spices can often lose freshness after they end their shelf life. To check this, simply take some amount in your hand. If the fragrance is weak and the texture has changed, you could either discard the spice or revive it. Make sure you store your spices in a cool and dry place for an extended shelf life.

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While stocking up on spices seems like a convenient thing to do, it’s best to buy small batches of them. Powdered spices must be sealed in airtight containers.

Spices not only enhance your food visually and by taste, they also offer  health benefits. They are natural preservatives and cure ailments like inflammation, pain and indigestion. The use of spices dates back to the early years of Ayurveda, and these kitchen essentials have properties that heal, repair and rejuvenate the body.

Even with all the goodness, spices are best consumed in small amounts. A diet that is too rich in spices can cause more harm than good.