Prime Minister Narendra Modi will address the nation at 5 PM on Monday, a day after India recorded the lowest-ever COVID-19 daily cases in the past two months. The PM last addressed the nation on April 20, amid the raging second wave of COVID, when he expressed confidence that the virus will be defeated with the combined efforts of the people.
The PMO took to Twitter on Monday to make the announcement of the PM’s address.
The address comes amid reports that the Centre may take over the vaccine procurement policy following states drawing a blank in their efforts to buy foreign vaccines and the Supreme Court questioning the way the vaccine policy was shaped.
Meanwhile, the COVID-19 cases in India are slowly decreasing after a deadly surge in April and May and some states have slowly started to reopen, easing strict lockdowns.
India on Sunday logged 100,636 new COVID-19 cases, which is the lowest in the last two months, and 2,427 deaths were reported in the last 24 hours.
Since the outbreak of the pandemic last year, PM Modi has addressed the nation a number of times and has offered suggestions to people and outlined measures that his government has been taking to deal with the situation.