Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin on Saturday announced a two-week ‘total lockdown’ across the state to curb the spread of the coronavirus pandemic. “The total lockdown will be enforced from 4 am on May 10 to 4 am on May 24,” he said. The move comes after Tami Nadu recorded 26,465 new coronavirus cases on Friday, pushing the caseload to 1.3 million while a record 197 deaths in the last 24 hours took the toll to 15,171.
Here’s what will remain open and what closed during the Tamil Nadu lockdown:
What will be open:
1. Movement of essential goods and services will be allowed till 12 pm.
2. Vegetable, meat, fish shops and provisional stores will remain open till 12 noon.
3. Banks and ration shops will function with 50% working capacity.
4. Petrol and diesel bunks will remain open during the lockdown.
Also read: Rural India in trouble as cases, deaths quadruple in 2nd COVID wave: Report
What will be closed:
1. Restaurants and hotels will stay closed and will only be allowed for takeaways.
2. Cabs or autorickshaws will not be allowed except for hospital or weddings/funerals.
3. State-owned liquor shops, Tasmac will stay closed.
4. All shops that are considered non-essential services will remain closed.