Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday chaired a high-level meeting to review the augmentation and availability of oxygen across the country. After the meeting, the Prime Minister’s Office announced that over 1500 PSA Oxygen plants will be set across the country to ramp up supply, PTI reported.
These PSA Oxygen plants contributed by PM CARES would support more than 4 lakh oxygenated beds.
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PM Modi asked the officials to ensure that the plants are made functional at the earliest. He also asked for adequate training of hospital staff on the operation and maintenance of oxygen plants.
The Prime Minister aims to employ advanced technology like IoT to track the performance and functioning of oxygen plants to be deployed, as per PTI.
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The prime minister was informed by officials that a training module prepared by experts is in place, and they are targeting the training of around 8,000 people across the country.
Officials also informed the prime minister that they are in regular touch with officers from state governments regarding fast-tracking the oxygen plants.
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With many places complaining of oxygen shortage in hospitals during the peak of the second COVID-19 wave in April-May, the Union government has been taking measures in coordination with states to boost the production and supply of the life-saving gas.
Modi has been holding a number of meetings in this regard amid apprehensions of a third wave of the pandemic.