Tamil Nadu’s Opposition party Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (DMK) on Saturday released its party’s manifesto for the upcoming state Assembly elections, which will be held on April 6. According to PTI, DMK has promised to give free computer tablets with data card for students and a law to provide 75% of jobs in the state to locals.
According to the released manifesto, DMK has promised financial assistance of Rs 25,000 to one lakh persons going on pilgrimage to major Hindu temples, increased maternity leave period and assistance, cut in fuel prices and steps to ban NEET, if voted to power.
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Releasing the manifesto, Stalin said if his party was voted to power, first generation graduates will be given preference in government jobs, reservation in private sector will also be insisted and promised subsidies for small farmers.
Stalin promised to reduce the rates of petrol and diesel by Rs 5 and Rs 4 per litre and a subsidy of Rs 100 towards LPG cylinder will be provided if they win the elections.
Steps will be taken to expedite the submission of a committee (Arumughasamy Committe) report formed to probe the circumstances leading to the death of Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa in 2016, he said.
Further, a law to set aside 75 percent of jobs in industrial houses for locals will be passed if the DMK was voted to power, he added.
Promising an allocation of Rs 1000 crore towards renovation and consecration of Hindu temples, Stalin assured to provide Rs 200 crore for churches and mosques.
Better water management, supply of clean drinking water, increase in women’s reservation in government jobs, hiking old age pension and establishment of ‘Kalaignar Unavagam’ eateries as part of hunger eradication were the other assurances provided by the DMK.